
 Proč méně mluvit znamená více se naučit

Sarah Leupen

Many of the most effective teaching practices involve spending some, or even most, of our time in class together having students answer questions, solve problems, and otherwise engage with our content. How can we spend time on these practices, yet also have enough time to ''cover' all of the content that the students need to learn? I have good news for you in this workshop, which will help you banish the content monster from your classroom, while still allowing your students to learn more content (and truly understand it better) than they did before.


   evidence based teaching      Kategorie: LF UK Plzeň


00:31 Time for the Readiness Assessment Test!
19:19 Speaking is an inefficient method of communicating information
20:36 What should I do in class?
24:06 "Outcome-Based" Course Design
25:21 Flipping the classroom
29:10 Does Flipping Work?
31:46 Examples (using videos ...)